Gekleurde straten

Hoe zou jouw buurt eruit zien als je alle straten rood kleurt, alle lanen groen, alle wegen grijs, enzovoort? Of hoe zou het centrum van Amsterdam eruit zien? Eerder maakte ik zelf plaatjes van steden, nu kan je zelf een adres invoeren en krijg je automagisch het kaartje dat hoort bij dat adres! Wil je dat ook uitproberen? Dat is heel simpel, vul onderstaande in! … Continue reading Gekleurde straten

Coloring cities based on streetnames – Belgium edition

Earlier, I created some colored streetmaps for Dutch Cities. Here’s the Belgian edition! I created all the maps with the Osmnx package for Python, created by Geoff Boeing, who was also very nice in helping me on stackoverflow when I got stuck on a strange error message (which was caused by me getting environments mixed up) Let’s start with Antwerpen: Next up is Brussels, but … Continue reading Coloring cities based on streetnames – Belgium edition

Coloring cities based on streetnames

Recently I saw this tweet from @puntofisso where he coloured the roads of urban areas mainly in England, based on their names. He got his inspiration from this article from @Erdavis and @cedscherer. I used and adapted his code that uses Osmnx for Python to create maps of Dutch cities, colored by their streetnames. Here’s Amsterdam:   The Canals are clearly visible, and besides that … Continue reading Coloring cities based on streetnames

Packed circles and treemaps from Flourish

I tried to use nested circles in a visual, using Flourish. A dataset about different types of roads in different cities in the greater Amsterdam area seems to lend itself for this type of visual. The viz below is easy to make in Flourish: But I did notice quite some flaws, that are issues with this type of chart. They are probably magnified by my … Continue reading Packed circles and treemaps from Flourish

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Bar chart races!

Thanks to @jburnmurdoch my twitter timeline is full of Bar chart races these day. And now Flourish have made it even easier to create one yourself, so I really wanted to make one as well. ?New template alert! ? Inspired by @jburnmurdoch and @MattNavarra … you can now make “bar chart race” viz in Flourish in seconds without coding 🙂 Fully responsive and complete with … Continue reading Bar chart races!

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Births per neigbourhood of Amsterdam sonified

This tweet got me excited to try out twotone, a way to turn your data into a song! Today we’re making noise (no pun intended) with TwoTone, a free, open source, browser-based tool to sonify data by @datavized and @GoogleNewsInit. Upload data, choose variables, instruments, speed and other features and listen:— Alberto Cairo (@albertocairo) 6 maart 2019 For my song, I looked at … Continue reading Births per neigbourhood of Amsterdam sonified

Auto’s en toeristen snelst stijgende bron van inkomsten voor Amsterdam

Het CBS publiceerde een artikel over de gemeentelijke belastingen in Nederland voor 2019 met een aantal interessante inzichten. In het artikel wordt Amsterdam apart genoemd als het gaat over toeristenbelasting en parkeerinkomsten, daarom heb ik gekeken naar de bijdrage van deze posten voor Amsterdam. Dat blijkt behoorlijk anders dan het totale beeld van Nederland. Waar voor heel Nederland de Onroerendezaakbelasting op 1 staat, is dat … Continue reading Auto’s en toeristen snelst stijgende bron van inkomsten voor Amsterdam

The power of telling stories with data

“Most of us need to listen to the music to understand how beautiful it is. But often that’s how we present statistics: we just show the notes, we don’t play the music.” – Hans Rosling If you have never heard of Hans Rosling, now is the time to get to know his work. He’s one of my great heroes, because he turns statistics into amazing stories … Continue reading The power of telling stories with data

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Are your neighbours young or old?

I think the age distribution of the neighbourhood I live in in Amsterdam has changed quite a bit in the recent years. There are more and more kids coming in, ‘replacing’ older people. To see if I could find the facts about this, I went to the Open Data Portal of the city of Amsterdam.. There, you can find the ‘Basisbestand Gebieden Amsterdam (BBGA)‘. I … Continue reading Are your neighbours young or old?