This page shows you “The Factbeast Flow”. Using the different elements in this flow helps you to increase the impact of your activities by using a data driven mindset.
You can start experimenting with any of the components of the flow, and it’s also important to realise that it is very much an iterative process.
Define Objectives and Key Results
- Objectives are Qualitative and ambitious
- With quantitative Key results you track your success
Prioritise informed by data
- Weigh effort and impact
- Also spend time on activities that can reduce uncertainty
Define the real problem
- Use five times WHY
- What’s the expected impact if we solve the problem
Generate Hypotheses
- Use prior learnings
- Allow yourself to be wrong
- Define success criteria beforehand
Run Experiments
- Can you test it? Do the math
- Think about what you want to measure, include possible negative effects as well!
Analyse results
Act on results
- Decide based on earlier defined succes criteria
- Keep monitoring