Can I test it? Find the Power!

Imagine you have this great new idea for an e-mail you send to all your customers. You are obviously quite certain that this new picture will drastically boast your conversion, but after reading about the power of Experiments and A/B testing, you decide to run a quick test… First: Good for you! 🙂 Before you setup the test, it is important to see what sample … Continue reading Can I test it? Find the Power!

Why should I A/B Test? I know what will work better!

We ask our colleagues on a weekly basis which content option performed better in an A/B test, inspired by a site called ‘whichtestwon’ (which seems to be out of operation these days). Sometimes the text is different, sometimes it’s a different picture, or just a different colour. We then looked at how good they were at guessing the winner. It turns out, my colleagues and … Continue reading Why should I A/B Test? I know what will work better!

Formulating hypotheses

DId you define the real problem you are trying to solve? Then it’s time to think about ideas to solve this problem. It’s a good idea to start with what you already know about the problem and it’s context. Do you have results from earlier analyses or experiments, are there research studies done by others around this topic? Use this knowledge to build on, instead … Continue reading Formulating hypotheses

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” Albert Einstein famously said this. Quite often we have a (great!) idea and then we want to find a problem to which this idea is a solution. Or we see a problem, and immediately jump to solving that specific problem. It is … Continue reading Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Sticky post

Are your neighbours young or old?

I think the age distribution of the neighbourhood I live in in Amsterdam has changed quite a bit in the recent years. There are more and more kids coming in, ‘replacing’ older people. To see if I could find the facts about this, I went to the Open Data Portal of the city of Amsterdam.. There, you can find the ‘Basisbestand Gebieden Amsterdam (BBGA)‘. I … Continue reading Are your neighbours young or old?

Hello World

This site came to live to help my colleagues improve their data-driven mindset. The idea is to collect helpful information and resources about what we called the ‘Factbeast-Flow‘ and the ‘Factbeast-skills‘. Over the past years I have seen so many beautiful and amazing stuff on all sorts of places, and I want to collect the things I find especially useful, inspiring, funny, or all of … Continue reading Hello World